With best-in-class technology, industry-leading partnerships and deep technical expertise, we digitally transform IT infrastructures to secure information, reduce risk and increase mission effectiveness.
Jeskell Systems, LLC Partnership
Jeskell turns your IT investments into long-term savings by reducing complexity and giving you the agility to stay mission-focused and ahead of the change.
Jeskell Systems is a small business committed to improving mission performance through IT modernization and digital transformation. By partnering with leading commercial systems, software and services providers, Jeskell integrates best-in-breed technologies into transformative IT solutions that reduce risk, lower costs and optimize IT effectiveness.
What sets us apart:
Customer Service
A three-point team of technical, sales, and acquisition experts that work closely with you, quickly responding to your needs.
Technical Expertise
Engineering and sales teams with numerous technical certifications from industry-leading OEM partners.
Proven Competency
A sound reputation for keeping our commitments and delivering on our promises.
Vendor Relationships
Product expertise and trusted relationships that add a personal touch to working with global brands
Small-Business Approach
Close collaboration with a tight-knit group of experts, from initial planning to post-integration support
Federal Experience
Cleared personnel who understand unique federal rules and requirements – from compliance and regulation to the National Industrial Security Program
Industry Expertise
Continuous monitoring of industry trends, product uodates and technology innovations to support informed, up-to-date insights